This Week in Words – Aug 10
by Treehouse Editors
compiled by Rachel Bondurant
If ever you were going to pair two things whose union would surely bring about hilarity and awesomeness, it would be Gary Shteyngart and Google Glass. For The New Yorker, Shteyngart walks you through his experience exploring New York City through the Glass. Oh, and there’s also video.
Michael Nye offers advice to emerging writers. A lot of it is stuff young writers should already know (either because it’s common sense or we’ve heard it a kabillion times), but it’s a list that’s simple, neat, and concise. So why not?
I want this shirt. You should want this shirt. It’s based on this exchange between Cheryl Strayed/Dear Sugar and Elissa Bassist (a piece I mentioned in February 16th’s TWIW). For those of you too lazy to click the links to see what I’m talking about, all you need to know is this: Write like a motherfucker.
For your reading fun this week:
“The Last City I Loved: Austin” at The Rumpus is written by and about a native San Franciscan who moved to Austin for a few years – before moving back to San Fran to get her MFA. I’m recommending you read it because: a) I live here so it’s personal; and b) the writer of this article totally gets it. It’s hard not to love Austin when you hear about it from someone who loves it, too. But, please, don’t move here. There isn’t room.
And this, because damn, man.